Podcasts for creative small business owners

by | Sep 26, 2015 | 0 comments

Featured image @michsole // Unsplash

Recently I discovered a fantastic podcast series for creative small business owners.  The series, created by photographer Kate Robinson via her Planted With Light website, features a number of well known creative New Zealanders including designers, photographers, stylists, and design bloggers.  Each interview provides a background and overview of their business journey, the ups and downs, and strategies for managing that ever important work-life balance.

I have particularly enjoyed hearing how some structure their day, as working solo from home can be a struggle at times.  I am constantly tweaking the way that I work, to be more productive and make the most of what is really a luxury.  Setting some specific time aside for dealing with email and social media is a great idea, freeing up a larger chunk of time to get the “real work” done.   I also liked the idea of reserving a day a week for specific jobs or tasks – a day that’s a non-negotiable and the diary is closed (deadlines permitting!).  Creating “rules” around your own working day is really important, especially if you have a young family – knowing when to walk away from your desk, and not responding to email after a certain time.  All of these things add up to more streamlined methods for working independently in your own small business.

I’ve really enjoyed listening to the interviews while I work, and look forward to the coming instalments! You can subscribe to the podcasts here, or via iTunes.


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